Active Low-Carber Forums
Atkins diet and low carb discussion provided free for information only, not as medical advice.
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Welcome to the Active Low-Carber Forums.
Support for Atkins diet, Protein Power, Neanderthin (Paleo Diet), CAD/CALP, Dr. Bernstein Diabetes Solution and any other healthy low-carb diet or plan, all are welcome in our lowcarb community. Forget starvation and fad diets -- join the healthy eating crowd! You may register by clicking here, it's free!

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What are the forum rules?

Welcome to the Active Low-Carber Forums at!

Active Low-Carber Forums is a support community advocating a healthy low-carb lifestyle and sharing support with other active low-carb members. We hope you enjoy our support community and that you decide to join us, but please make sure you read the following carefully, as it is not the usual bla bla bla: Active Low-Carber Forums is a moderated site. Moderators may delete and edit posts in an effort to keep the site free of flame wars, insults, crude language, advertising and off-topic replies. Please be polite and helpful with your replies. Feel free to seek support without fear of undue criticism. By choosing to join, you declare to have read and have agreed to abide by these rules.

  1. Who Is Welcome Here?

    Anyone interested in low-carb issues. Feel free to ask any questions and be polite in your answers. If you have a lot of weight to lose, very little weight to lose, or just want to follow low-carbing for good health, you are welcome here.

    If you do not believe in low-carbing and have strong arguments against it, you are welcome as well, but please restrict your posts to the "War Zone". If you have scientific or medical references you wish to share with us, please post the material in the "Low-Carb Studies" section of our forums.

  2. Please consult your doctor and read a book!

    Our support forum is for persons who want to help themselves; and to share ideas with low-carbers from around the web. Many excellent low carbohydrate plans exist, all are welcome. It is beyond the scope of our support community to prescribe a diet plan for you, so we encourage you to consult your doctor and read one or more of the published program books. Once you've decided which plan is right for you, we are here to help you along the way. Please note, we only discuss published plans, not proprietary, clinic-only type of plans as these require personal and/or professional supervision, and we cannot give medical advice or service.

  3. No Flaming or insults

    We strive to provide a safe environment for members to express their ideas without personal attacks or "flames". Please be polite in your posts. Any reply that we feel violates this rule will be edited or deleted. Any member who becomes belligerent or requires too much attention from moderators will lose their posting privileges. If you object to a post, and consider it a flame or insult, please use the "Report bad post" link instead of insulting the poster back. If you flame others through personal attacks, even in response to a perceived personal attack, you will lose your posting privileges.
  4. No illegal/defamatory/sexually explicit stuff

    By clicking the Agree button, you warrant that you will abide by these rules and not post any messages that are knowingly false and/or defamatory, obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy or otherwise violative of any laws. If you do so, you will lose your posting privileges.

  5. Advertising of Web Sites, Products, and Solicitation

    Advertising of web-sites and products is not accepted on this site - so don't do it. It will be deleted and you will be reported to your ISP with full IP logs. If you would like to purchase advertising space, please contact Webmaster

  6. No e-mail addresses in posts

    Please do not include your e-mail address in your posts. There are automatic programs called "bots" that will tear through all of our posts if there are e-mail addresses. They gather them for the spammers, but like the spammers they have no consideration and can overload our server, making it unavailable to legitimate users.

  7. One Registration Only

    As the board gets larger, it becomes more important that each member has only one registration name. Any member who signs up under a new name will lose their posting privileges and access to the site. If you feel you have to re-register with a new name due to a technical problem, be sure to get it okayed by us first.

  8. Posting is a Privilege

    Please note, posting here is a privilege that we hope you will enjoy and respect. The moderators can and will remove the posting privileges of any person who does not wish to follow the rules, and in our opinion is in violation of these rules.

  9. Do NOT fight with the staff

    This is a big, busy site. It is a big job for us to keep it running smoothly. If we ask you to stop doing something or change something, just do it. We do not have the time to enter into a discussion with you. If your post or thread "disappears", live with it as we do not have time to send you a detailed explanation. Re-read the rules to refresh your memory as to why it happened. Once again, there will be no discussion on these matters. If you become a nuisance, you will lose your posting privileges. We welcome debate regarding low-carb issues, but these forum rules are not open for discussion, argument or debate.

  10. Do not complain about the rules.
    If you object to these rules being applied in a certain case, please report this to us using the "Report bad post" link . Any public discussion of such matters will be removed and you will lose your posting privileges. Simply put: This is our turf. We've opened it up to you and would like you to stay and feel welcome here. We put a lot of time and effort into providing you with a clean and safe environment which means we clean up a lot of rubbish. We who volunteer to pick up the rubbish get to decide what is rubbish based upon the Rules outlined here. If we decide that your post is rubbish, it's gone. Please don't argue and please don't keep posting along the same line otherwise you're gone too.

Although the administrators and moderators of will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of this forum or Jelsoft Enterprises Limited (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message.

Note: By pressing the "Agree" button you declare that you agree with above rules and that you are at least 13 years of age. At this time we do not accept registrations from users who are under the age of 13.

The owners of Active Low-Carber Forums have the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.

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